Saturday, April 2, 2016

We made it!

I remember climbing the Camel Back mountain in Arizona as a teenager. I was much thinner and energetic back then but I can still recall the struggle of hiking up that mountain...and even better I remember the feeling I had when I reached the top. The ALDI relocation had occupied my time and thoughts for almost 2 years. All the time leading up to the actual move day, other wise known as the climb, was exhausting. I thought maybe we made the wrong choice and we should just turn around and head back down the mountain...but we kept climbing. As we got higher up on the mountain I could see the top and the people around me helped me keep going with words of encouragement. The moment you step on top of a mountain relief, disbelief and adrenaline, rush in. I was relieved to have made it up to the top, I was in disbelief my perseverance paid off and I had such a burst of energy! All these feelings were identical to what I had felt when we finally stepped foot into our Naples home. I was grateful that God had supplied me with everything my family and I needed to get to this point in our lives.
We moved over a month and a half ago and it has been nothing short of amazing. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss home. I miss my family, my friends and something as simple as a hug from someone who cares about me. I was blessed to even have those things to miss, but as for day to day life, it is truly good. God has provided a great spirit filled church, the one constant normal thing we have. I truly think God planned us finding our church because it is a perfect fit for our family.
Noah and I have been on the same page spiritually which excited me more than anything. We know we aren't here by accident, seeds are being planted and if that in itself is all we are supposed to be doing, then I am happy to be of use to glorify the Kingdom.

We made it and I am excited to live out the rest of our time here!!!!

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