Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Technology Trap

You would have to be completely against technology or not have a pulse if you haven't heard of the Ashley Madison website leak. In recent news a popular cheating website and all it's users were blasted online by a spunky hacker clan. While the truth will set you free, some people or couples can't handle this devastating truth. Infidelity itself is not a new problem, the way people cheat,  is.
Technology has become our master and pornography is at the underbelly of our slave ship. Some may argue that watching pornography is harmless, however, there are millions of marriages who will disagree. With thousands of porn and dishonorable websites at our fingertips, cheating is easier and more tempting than ever before. The Internet holds so many wonderful things like talented musicians, interesting facts or my personal favorite,  hilarious prank videos..  But it also holds the key to an underground world of lust and deception.... In short, we are technologically trapped... The phone or computer we send family photos on or work emails or midterm papers from, we can also find cheating websites and full blown porn videos on the same device. How do we separate those 2 worlds? How do we protect our families from becoming trapped? The solution is found in our heart. What our eyes see will take root in our heart so above all else, guard your heart! The relationship or marriage you are in or will be in is far more valuable than any image on a screen. I am well aware of addiction to pornography but I am also well aware of amazing support groups and marriages that survived infidelity. The sooner we realize what is truly at the root of cheating, the better we can prevent heartbreak. You wouldn't send someone into battle with out proper gear so don't let your heart be exposed to things with out guarding it daily. The good news is God is the only way we can hope for a changed heart because once he enters into a heart,  relationship or marriage all things are possible and a super strength is found using His resources.

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